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For almost 300 years, F=ma was the law of the land. Then some physicists began to have their doubts. About 30 years ago, astronomers noticed that stars swirl around the outer edges of galaxies so fast that they ought to fly into space. Most believe some unseen "dark matter" provides the extra gravity that keeps the fast-moving stars from escaping. But in the 1980s, a few researchers noted that the observations could be explained without dark matter if Newton's second law didn't quite hold for very small accelerations, a scheme known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics or MOND. Also, NASA's Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft have shown a small, unexplained acceleration toward the center of the galaxy that might also hint at a breakdown in second law.

MONDって,知りませんでした.PN(Post Newtonian)近似とかPPN(Parametarized Post Newtonian)近似(相対論的力学を,何かのパラメータ,例えば光速の逆数などで展開し,パラメータの適当な次数以降を切り捨ててニュートン力学に近づける手法)なんかは普通に使っていたのですが.

ただ,Physical Review LettersやPhysical Review Dって,怒涛のごとく莫大な仮説・新理論が満載で...絶対に物理的な冊子を個人で買い続けることはできません.一ヶ月に1000ページとかって,どうよ(笑).