
こんなCall for Paperが流れていて,X10という言語を知りました.

6月のPLDI2011(San Jose)の併設ワークショップとして,
プログラミング言語X10 に関する「X10 Workshop」が開かれます.

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The ACM SIGPLAN 2011 X10 Workshop (X10'11)
co-located with PLDI'11

San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, California
Saturday, June 4, 2011


The concurrency and scale-out era is upon us. Application programmers
need to confront the architectural challenge of multiples cores and
accelerators, clusters and supercomputers. A central need is the
development of a usable programming model that can address these
challenges -- deal with thousands of cores and peta-bytes of data.

The open-source X10 programming language (http://x10-lang.org) is
designed to address these twin challenges of productivity and
performance. It is organized around four basic principles of
asynchrony, locality, atomicity and order, developed on a type-safe,
class-based, object-oriented foundation. This foundation is robust
enough to support fine-grained concurrency, Cilk-style fork-join
programming, GPU programming, SPMD computations, phased computations,
active messaging, MPI-style communicators, cluster programming. X10
implementations are available on Power and x86 clusters, on Linux,
AIX, MacOS, Cygwin and Windows.

The X10 Workshop is intended as a forum for X10 programmers,
developers, researchers and educators. The program may include
presentation of invited and selected papers, panels and a late evening
X10 hackathon with programming challenges and prizes.

Original papers are invited on all aspects of X10, including theory,
design, implementation, practice, curriculum development and
experience, applications and tools. Accepted authors will have the
option of having their paper in the proceedings that will be published by
the ACM.

X10 (プログラミング言語) - Wikipedia


     [exec] Unrecognized platform: 'FreeBSD,i386,i386'


Hello, Worldのサンプルを見る限り,やはりJavaにそっくりです.

public class HelloWorld {
    public static def main(Array[String]): Void {
    	Console.OUT.println("Hello World");


public class AsyncWithRaces {

	public static def main(Array[String]) {
		async Console.OUT.println("Hello, World");
		async Console.OUT.println("Bore Da, Byd");
		async Console.OUT.println("Bonjour, Monde");
// prints 
// HBeolnljoo,u rW,o rMlodn
// Bore Da, Byd
// de


public class AsyncWithRacesControlledByAtomicBlocks {

	public static def main(Array[String]) {
		async atomic Console.OUT.println("Hello, World");
		async atomic Console.OUT.println("Bore Da, Byd");
		async atomic Console.OUT.println("Bonjour, Monde");
// prints 
// Hello, World
// Bore Da, Byd
// Bonjour, Monde
