マイクロソフト Firefox


Microsoft(R) Firefox 2007 Professional

Site off-line
Lawsuit in progress...stay tuned and we'll be back in jiffy! - Steve Ballmer (Chief Executive)

ダウンロードしようとすると,普通にInternet Explorerのダウンロードページにつながっていました.

System Requirements

The following bare minimums are essential for the optimum operation of MS Firefox 2007
* A Credit Card
* Microsoft(R) Windows(TM)/Vista Operating System
* Microsoft(R) Mouse & Keyboard (Hyperlinks will NOT work without these)
* Live(TM) Messenger (Required API to maintain dangerous CPU temperatures)
* Microsoft(R) Office 2007 (Provides the ability to scroll webpages)
* Quad Core Processor (For loading Hotmail.com)
* Any SLI Configured Graphics Card > 512mb (TO Display High Definition GIF Images)
* 1024 MB of RAM (Compensation for Frequent Memory Leaks)
* 483MB Disk Space
Visiting the following sites using MS Firefox 2007 will cause your computer to shut down unexpectedly
* www.google.com
* www.gmail.com
* www.apple.com
* www.itunes.com
* www.yahoo.com
* Any sites with the phrase: microsoft/windows/explorer/vista/bill sucks
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Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
